Hi there and thanks for stopping by my selling blog. I have made 7 wool felt pumpkins that I needle felted a design on to them..Here is all 7 together so you can see how neat they look as a group..All of the pumpkins have a real pumpkin stem that has been dried from last summers harvest and all have little pine cones attached as well..there is also a little halloween tag attached with a rusty safety pin.
The one on the left of the little crow has a twig sewn on for his branch.he has a moon and star and polkadots all around him..he has a rusty bell attached to a rusty safety pin at his neck..Measurement is:8 inches tall including stem by 6 inches around. Price is: 15.00
The middle one, the owl (my Design) has black beeded eyes sewn on and a twig sewn on the bottom for him to stand on..
Measurement is: 9 inches long with stem and 4 inches around..Price is: 17.00
The one on the right the kitty has a rusty safety pin w/ bell attached at his neck.he has a moon and 2 candy corns.
Measurement is:11 inches tall stem included 5 inches around..Price is $15.00
The one on the left Kitty and Pumpkin design is by Robin of bird in the hand primitives..it is a stitchery..I chose to needle felt it..kitty has a rusty bell attached with a rusty safety pin
Measurement is:9 inches tall by 4-1/2 inches wide. Price is 17.00
The big witch pumpkin was again my design..I have added flax for her hair and sewed on 4 white beads for her teeth. she comes with a brown mole too..she has a bat on her left with stars and on the right she has her trusty broom.
Measurement is: 10 inches around by 12 inches tall. Price is 27.00
the little pumpkin on the left with the spider has a twig sewn on as that is what he is hanging from,there is 3 berrys felted on. Measurement is:6 inches tall by 4-1/2 inches around.
Price is: $10.00
The large sugar pumpkin has a pesky old crow sitting on a berry twig. He has a rusty safety pin/bell for his wing attached to him...there is also 3 stars and the moon.
Measurement is:12 inches tall by 9-1/2 inches around
Price is:$27.00
side view of cat pumpkin.
Please let me know which one you would like. I will need your zipcode to get the exact shipping price for you..Thanks for stopping by..:)