Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh No MammY BuRnt the cOOkiEs "SALE"

I am clearancing these dollies out!

These here are cute little mammies that look like cookie jars and would look great on your counter or a hutch. This pattern is by My Raggedy kids.. they are painted black muslin with cute red dresses, and the aprons are muslin with the words stitched on that say: Oh No! Mammy burnt the cookies. They each hold a burnt little gingerbread man that has been painted and grunged up to look like a blackened/burnt cookie and they have each been scented a gingerbread scent that makes them smell yummy.. Mammys face are painted on… They are appox. 17 inches tall and can be yours for $15.00+shipping
Please specify the one you want...BEING DONATED TO HELP A FRIEND...